Monday, December 21, 2020

Both FM transmitters mysteriously destroyed during December 16th snowstorm

During the snowstorm of December 16, we lost our two FM transmitters after many years of service. Either there was too much electrical energy in the atmosphere or too much precipitation had frozen on the antennas. Either way, both of them will no longer work properly. New transmitters have been ordered, but I do not expect the signals at 87.9 and 97.9 to return until some time in January.

I found an incredible bargain of two new FM transmitters for $140.00. But since the expense was unexpected, I am now seeking assistance from listeners. If you would like to honor us with a gift this holiday season, visit and contribute through PayPal or Patreon, or you may mail a check to 154 Great Road, Lot 8, Shirley, MA 01464. I hope to raise the entire $140 by January 1st.

2020 has been an extremely challenging year for all of us. Thanks to the lockdowns, mask mandates, social unrest, my volunteer time with the Shiva for Senate campaign, and the stolen elections, Liberty & Justice 1640 has, by necessity, captured the overwhelming majority of my attention. Troubadour 1710 has suffered as a result, for which I apologize. My prayer for 2010 is that somehow, more rational thinking will emerge, the Covid mandates end, and the elections reflect the actual results. We desperately need normalcy again where the politics, health, and insight of Liberty & Justice, and the art, culture, and music of Troubadour strike a balance in my time commitments.

Once again, if you would like to help me get the FM signals back on the air, visit This is Jeff from your neighborhood stations wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Corrupt Mass. establishment will never allow a true populist to win: Open letter to Kevin O'Connor

This letter is addressed to Kevin O'Connor, the alleged winner of the Republican U.S. Senate primary in Massachusetts on September 1st.

Dear Kevin 

Now let me get this straight... You have 19 YouTube subscribers vs. Dr. Shiva's 190,000. You had not a single yard sign up in the entire state vs. Dr. Shiva's several signs and banners in every town. (I work several DoorDash delivery areas. I know!)  

In all Republican standouts I encountered, it was 100 percent Dr. Shiva signs regarding the senate race, plus several standouts just for him. As for you, Kevin, I couldn't even remember your name! Dr. Shiva's name is much harder to pronounce. But YOU were the one with zero name recognition.  

Your entire campaign consisted of interviews with the establishment media and pre-arranged photo ops with zero supporters in attendance. Dr. Shiva campaigned constantly in a caravan speaking to enthusiastic crowds in town squares all over the state, often with horns honking in approval from nearby traffic. (Again, I get around.)  

But you want us to believe you are the ACTUAL winner of this primary? What a joke! 

I gotta hand it to you, Kevin. You pulled off the impossible. You should write a tell-all book explaining exactly how you did it. Every political aspirant from president to dog catcher will want to get their hands on it. You'll have lots of time to write it, too, once you get past your inevitable defeat in November. But that's okay. Uncle Charlie in the corner office will assuage your humiliation with a nice golden parachute for being such a good patsy.  

As for me, I wouldn't vote for an attorney scum bag like you if my life depended upon it. Enjoy your life Kevin... and the flames of hell once it's over.

P.S. The reason Dr. Shiva refused to debate you is because your campaign was insignificant and had no impact on real people. You only associated with the decaying mainstream media and the fact that they are your only support speaks volumes. Furthermore, no one can reach your campaign unless they want to request one of your non-existent yard signs! Dr. Shiva's campaign is easily reachable, both by email and phone, with the phone number on several pages.    

Monday, June 15, 2020

Same Consciousness, Different Experiences

In London Real's David Icke IV interview of June 14th, David exposes the powerful forces that are currently working overtime to divide us and turn us against each other in ever smaller groups. At the same time, he reveals ultimate truth (informed by countless near-death recollections): All humans are nothing more than one consciousness having different experiences at different reference points. There is no identity. There are only experiences. (Sorry to spoil your particular brand of hate ranting!)

Liberty & Justice 1640's airing of the interview begins on Monday at 3:43 PM and continues until approximately 7 PM Eastern Time. 

An open letter to Steve Earle and his Management

"If I Could See Your Face Again" and politics
Sent on 6/14/2020



Dear Mr. Earle and management,

First of all, I want to express immense appreciation for your song "If I Could See Your Face Again," with vocals by Elenore Whitmore. As you know, it is a song about a woman who lost her husband in the 2010 West Virginia mining explosion, and only after his death does she fully appreciate what a wonderful man he was and how much she misses him.

The song, and its timing in my life, has had a powerful effect on me since I first heard it a week ago. It has brought me to tears several times a day, which no song has done in well over a decade. There are three reasons why this song turns me into a near emotional wreck:

1) Over the past few weeks, I have been enduring a situation where someone I care about has lost her trust and respect for me over a situation where I was actually trying to demonstrate how much I appreciate her.

2) The simplicity and humility of the woman is overwhelming. These are good working people who know what's meaningful in life. They are a far cry from your perverted, narcissistic, rich liberal friends in Hollywood and Broadway who divorce at the drop of a hat.

3) For the past 60 years, feminists have been spewing nothing but hatred for us men and everything male and masculine. They now control the media, the education system, and corporate board rooms. Today, if a man makes one false move, his career could be destroyed or his access to his children removed. Yet, here is an uncorrupted, traditional woman, far removed from that culture, expressing lament and wishing she had appreciated her late husband more when he was alive.

This is the kind of catharsis that today is going to put most men over the top. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if 80 percent of the correspondence you are receiving about this song is from men, and most of them are experiencing the song the same way I am.

It's time to be realistic, Mr. Earle. Left wing political thought in 2020 IS a religion. It is a body of belief, adhered to without questioning by a group that is largely atheistic. They have no God or higher authority they can turn to so they have no choice but to invent their own. Feminism is one of its foundational beliefs. If you are a leftist and you don't endorse feminism, you are an apostate and not a true leftist. Feminism believes, as Gloria Steinem once said, that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

According to the newspaper review I read, your goal in creating the album "Ghosts of West Virginia" was to reach out to working people in a Red State area whose livelihood involved conventional energy. You wanted to get to know them and understand them so that you could eventually convert them over to your way of political thinking. But after interviewing this women, and writing what may be the most emotionally powerful song of your career - a song expressing a sentiment that the political left of 2020 would do ANYTHING to suppress and censor - I don't know how you could go through such an experience and remain a leftist. I find it totally baffling, even dishonest.

The reason men cry over this song, Mr. Earle, is due to the loss of this kind of innocence and sincerity in women thanks to everything your allies on the left have promoted for far too long. Even your ideas on energy and the environment are proving to be total lies. You can't power a 21st century economy on silly 3-blade wind generators with their own environmental problems, or solar panels that only generate energy 3-4 hours a day. Do the research! Without the subsidies, these frauds wouldn't even exist. Products that work don't need government subsidies. As the saying goes, build a better mousetrap and people will beat a path to your door.

Yes, your intention was to convert these people. But if you were honest, you would have allowed THEM convert YOU. And so far, there is no sign you have.


Jeffrey Gill
Folk and Country Music programmer since 1978 

Monday, May 4, 2020

David Icke's 3-Hour interview with Brian Rose airing as a special Tues. 5/5/20

I have just listened to David Icke's new marathon interview with Brian Rose on London Real. I am so impressed with his research, his spiritual insights into the current crisis, his awareness of the value of each unique, individual  human creation - and the damage the "cult" has done to that creation in recent weeks - I have decided to air it in its entirely on Tuesday morning from 6-9 AM Eastern on Liberty & Justice 1640. In recent days, David and Brian have been removed from nearly every social media platform in existence. David's YouTube channel had more than 3/4 million subscribers. That means micro stations such as Liberty & Justice 1640 become more valuable in getting the word out.

This is so important, it cannot wait until the weekend. I may also air it as a special during another slot between now and then.