Monday, November 17, 2014

Yet another change in the audio streaming URL's

First, an apology to all on line listeners over the fact that the audio streams had been down for weeks before I discovered the problem. That is how busy I have been with other matters! Emails from my host that were sent a month in advance warning of a change in audio streaming servers somehow never made it to my Inbox. Here are the new URL's to bookmark in your favorite computer based player or Wifi radio:

Troubadour 1700:

Liberty & Justice 1640:

Personally, I hate URL changes in audio streams. They outdate your streaming bookmarks so fast, that even just a year later, half of them no longer work. But this was a business decision by my host and it is beyond my control. All audio links on the websites should be updated by the time you read this. Our pages on Tune In should also be working again shortly, as well as listening over the phone through Zeno Radio. Our phone numbers for listening remain the same:

Troubadour 1700:

Liberty & Justice 1640:

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